I am currently into the second week of my work place practicum at an early childhood education center, and respectively, everything is a learning experience.
6 things i have learned:
- trying to adopt a cute child who already has a loving family is called kidnapping, and is frowned upon no matter how pure your intentions.
- ladybugs are NOT for pancakes.
- children will spend 30 minutes telling you that they don't want to clean up rather than taking 30 seconds to actually do it.
- four year old's do not care if you are in a room unless they want something from you, and then they are only pretending to care.
- Snowsuits get ruined forever when you swim in a mud puddle.
- Children like to bang on the bathroom door while you're using it, "just to say hey."
I bang on the bathroom door to tell my boyfriend "hey." It's not very cute at this age. I give you props working with kids. It sounds hard/fun/hard/fun.